Monday, August 15, 2005

The Rice Genome - questions or answers?

The international Rice Genome Sequence Project, a public consortium, has published the genetic code for the rice plant. So far, much of the commentary is positive, with the hope that this can be used to further research for more resistant crops to reduce the risks from drought and disease.

It remains to be seen, however, how much support will be given to future work in the field, particularly against the continuing concern over genetically modified organisms. I think that if there is either private or public commercialising in the future there is real scope for competition law tools, such as compulsory licensing and restrictions on tying/third line forcing,to ensure that the benefits are available where needed to further human rights goals. The involvement of Monsanto in the project, (after initial concern over its withholding relevant material) suggests that there is scope for work to carry on in this area for the public good.


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