Monday, December 05, 2005

Ius Commune 2005

The Ius Commune research group conference was held in Edinburgh last week. This was great success, with over 200 participants from all over the world, although with a strong Dutch presence. The conference explored synergies and commonalities, rather than differences and conflict, across a range of legal fields.

The IP workshop, with underlying dual themes of free trade agreements and human rights, included papers on GIs; competition and public health; the precautionary principle and genetic databases; copyright, rights to education and economic policy; and the impact of free trade agreements on IP. Participants ensured a stimulating and supportive environment for exchange and development of ideas. My paper focussed on the role of the WTO Dispute Settlement System in interpretative of IP legislation and I was pleased to receive many interesting suggestions. And its always nice to get out and talk to people!


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