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So since last post, have moved house, have 2 different schools for kids, given conference papers and settled in well to Aberdeen. Apologies for silence other than a few tweets
Project team for the Climate Change British Academy project have all been working very hard - hope to have the final version of the working paper out in early October. Planning second expert meeting on 10 December 2010 in Edinburgh, including inviting new colleagues on board and trying to sort out art exhibition to go alongside it or public engagement event in 2011.
It's been fascinating exploring different perspectives on climate change and technology and having the chance/need to look in more detail at existing work in the field. I'll be intrigued to see the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation - it seems to pull together a lot of the strands included in the project; but what might it say about IP?
And at my paper at SLS in Southampton we had a really interesting discussion on the relationship between the public interest and human rights - what comes first? Is one a tool for the other? Are both too important to be seen as tools? And how can they form part of the IP, control technology debate - in general and in relation to climate change.
Project team for the Climate Change British Academy project have all been working very hard - hope to have the final version of the working paper out in early October. Planning second expert meeting on 10 December 2010 in Edinburgh, including inviting new colleagues on board and trying to sort out art exhibition to go alongside it or public engagement event in 2011.
It's been fascinating exploring different perspectives on climate change and technology and having the chance/need to look in more detail at existing work in the field. I'll be intrigued to see the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation - it seems to pull together a lot of the strands included in the project; but what might it say about IP?
And at my paper at SLS in Southampton we had a really interesting discussion on the relationship between the public interest and human rights - what comes first? Is one a tool for the other? Are both too important to be seen as tools? And how can they form part of the IP, control technology debate - in general and in relation to climate change.
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