Where does the time go... A lull in postings to enable me to finish my PhD has gone on for too long! So, as an early New Yaer's resolution, it's time to start up the blog again. Since I last posted, I have indeed finished the PhD, with a successful viva in December 2008. My thesis focussed on the interface between IP, competition and human rights in IP infringement actions in the UK (with some consideration in the conclusion of the ECtHR and WTO dispute settlement). In 2009, I explored how the arguments might work in Canada, in relation to innovation with iconic species, and also considered how the three fields could be combined more at policy level. All these involved conference papers and publications and I also ran a workshop at the Internet Governance Forum in Egypt, podcast is here:
http://www.un.org/webcast/igf/ondemand.asp?mediaID=ws091118-nilevalley-am1 (twittered under igftowardaccess with #accessipcomphr). A stimulating and inspiring event. Finally, I've developed a growing interest in the scope of IP/competition/human rights arguments in relation to access to climate change technologies (possibly particularly important after Copenhagen...). Lots of liaision with Edinburgh and other colleagues and funding application ongoing - so it's an exciting time.
Other details about activities are on my webpage