Thursday, December 16, 2010

December "action"

So much promised, so little achieved...On this I speak of both the expert meeting of the British Academy project and the Cancun UNFCC discussions.

The December meeting had to be cancelled because of the weather - which as I write this has just returned...However, the expert team have submitted a really interesting range of written contributions, which we will be discussing off line, as we prepare our chapters for "Environmental Technologies, Intellectual Property and Climate Change: Accessing, Obtaining and Protecting" , to be published by Edward Elgar. After this virtual work, we hope to meet again in April 2011.

At Cancun, little firm advance was made, see outputs here and comment here. From the technology side, the EGTT came to an end, and the Technology Mechanism was established. There is much discussion about different forms of funding and collaboration, which is of interest to the British Academy project team. But there is little which is clear, and IP continues to be the elephant in the room - see comment here cf some references to it in previous drafts, on which I have tweeted.